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6 Signs It's Time To Hire A Digital Marketing Team To Grow Your Business

Digital marketing is one of the most important parts to growing any business today as whether your business is online or offline, it needs to have an online presence. Digital marketing can make any business grow exponentially. The power of the Internet is huge and the potential to grow is endless, so it is very important to have a digital marketing strategy from the beginning. 

Running a business is always a learning experience and it is important to know when to hire a digital marketing team to ensure you keep growing. But, how do you know when the right time is to hire a team?

In this blog post, we will go through the 6 signs it is time to hire a digital marketing team to grow your business. If you can resonate with any of the signs we talk about in this post, you know what to do! 

But first, let’s get into why you should hire a digital marketing team.

Why hire a digital marketing team?

When you first start your business, especially if it’s a small business, you might find yourself juggling many different tasks all at once - from accounting to marketing to customer service. This is normal but only sufficient to reach a certain amount of growth. At a certain point, your business will reach a plateau as there is only so much one person can get done. At some point, you will need a team with expertise in digital marketing to take your business to the next level. 

digital marketing team working on computer

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to a business. There are many factors that go into determining the best time to hire a digital marketing team. We recommend investing what you can into marketing your business, from the beginning to ensure your business constantly grows which will prevent reaching a plateau to begin with. An experienced marketing team will be able to help you no matter how big or small your budget is. They will be able to work within any budget to bring results to your business. We recommend getting help from the start, so your business is guaranteed to grow and you can prevent burnout. 

The main reason you should hire a marketing team is so you can spend your precious time working on your business instead of marketing it. When you spend your time trying to promote your business you lose precious time to actually work in your business. Also, if you don't have the time or skills to properly market your business, you will never see results.

By having a marketing team take care of that for you, you free your time (and mental load) to actually work on your business rather than promoting your business.

Now let’s get into the 6 signs to know when it’s time to hire a digital marketing team...

6 Signs It's Time To Hire A Digital Marketing Team To Grow Your Business

1. Your business isn't growing or reached a plateau

Has your business reached a plateau? Maybe you have the same number of clients but nothing more or less? Or, maybe your business isn't growing at all? 

If this is the case, it’s time to bring in experts who have the proper skills to take your business to the next level. You need certain skill sets and time to create a strategy for growth, which is exactly what a digital marketing team specializes in. 

2. You don’t have the digital marketing skills needed to grow your business

You need certain skill sets to properly execute a marketing plan. If you don’t have the skills needed to grow your business further, hiring someone who does is important. This is vital for your growth.

If you are a small business owner, you might find yourself juggling many different tasks all at once (at least in the beginning) but there comes a time when that is not possible anymore. We understand that sometimes that is the only option for the budget and there aren’t always extra funds to hire help when you just start out. However, as your business grows, help is needed to keep growing. We highly recommend hiring a digital marketing team as soon as you have any sort of budget for it, as having a marketing plan is vital to your growth.

3. You have no digital marketing strategy 

This ties in with the last reason, if you do not have a strategy and don’t know where to begin, this is a sign you need a marketing team to create and execute a strategy for you so you can start seeing results. 

4. You don’t have time to execute a proper digital marketing plan

If you don’t have time to execute a marketing plan yourself, it is definitely time to get help from a digital marketing team. A marketing plan consists of a lot of work. It's not enough to just come up with the plan, you also need the time and the skills to execute it. 

It is so important to have a proper marketing plan for your business and have time to brainstorm and come up with new ideas. Also, depending on the type of business you have, it is vital to create content. It’s time to reach out to a digital marketing team if you don’t have the time or skills to do this properly.

5. You don’t know what to do next and need guidance on digital marketing

If you start your work day confused about not knowing what to do next regarding marketing or growing your business, this is an important sign that you need help! It’s time to hire a marketing team or your business will stay stagnant and stuck in time. 

If you ever feel stuck and don’t know what step to take next: please reach out to us as one of our representatives can give you proper advice and guidance. We are here to help you and just want everyone to grow

6. You have trouble being consistent with digital marketing

You might have the time and the skills to create a great marketing plan, but if you are not able to stay consistent to execute this plan, it’s time to hire a digital marketing team to do just that. Having a marketing plan and the skills to execute that plan is great but it is only a fraction of what it takes to grow a business. Results and growth come from consistently executing the marketing plan and putting in the work. If there is no consistency you will never see results. Consistency is key in marketing so if you can’t stay consistent in your marketing plan, it’s time to reach out to a team!

Did you resonate with any of these signs? Imagine if every minute you spend working on your business, a digital marketing team is simultaneously working just as hard at growing your business. Imagine how fast you can grow! Plus you wouldn't need to add extra hours to your schedule to do this! 

It's amazing how fast your to-do list melts away when you let a pro team help you out.

Reach out to us when you're ready to take your business to the next level here 


The MDA Team 

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